Dự án

Tổng quan

Hồ sơ

Task #1050

Cập nhật bởi Tùng Nguyễn cách đây 4 tháng

Mục tiêu: Test hiệu năng cluster Elasticsearch  
 Mô hình: https://app.diagrams.net/#G17w3CX-PqybY296zzIbChAMFhfhoe9JYI#%7B%22pageId%22%3A%229OpvNZNdn-xI3yI4ATs4%22%7D 
 Test Benchmark với tools: https://esrally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html?spm=a2c65.11461447.0.0.e26a498casMRkU 
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     _______               __     _____ 
    / ____(_)___    ____ _/ /    / ___/_________    ________ 
   / /_    / / __ \/ __ `/ /     \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \ 
  / __/ / / / / / /_/ / /     ___/ / /__/ /_/ / /    /    __/ 
 /_/     /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/     /____/\___/\____/_/     \___/ 

 |                                                           Metric |                            Task |             Value |      Unit | 
 |                       Cumulative indexing time of primary shards |                                 |      54.7322        |       min | 
 |               Min cumulative indexing time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |            Median cumulative indexing time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |               Max cumulative indexing time across primary shards |                                 |      13.2277        |       min | 
 |              Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |      Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 | Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |      Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |                          Cumulative merge time of primary shards |                                 |      25.5123        |       min | 
 |                         Cumulative merge count of primary shards |                                 |      53             |           | 
 |                  Min cumulative merge time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |               Median cumulative merge time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |                  Max cumulative merge time across primary shards |                                 |       6.36273       |       min | 
 |                 Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards |                                 |      12.2894        |       min | 
 |         Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |      Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |         Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shards |                                 |       3.67792       |       min | 
 |                        Cumulative refresh time of primary shards |                                 |       1.70408       |       min | 
 |                       Cumulative refresh count of primary shards |                                 |     273             |           | 
 |                Min cumulative refresh time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |             Median cumulative refresh time across primary shards |                                 |       0             |       min | 
 |                Max cumulative refresh time across primary shards |                                 |       0.452867      |       min | 
 |                          Cumulative flush time of primary shards |                                 |       6.59585       |       min | 
 |                         Cumulative flush count of primary shards |                                 |      69             |           | 
 |                  Min cumulative flush time across primary shards |                                 |       8.33333e-05 |       min | 
 |               Median cumulative flush time across primary shards |                                 |       0.000166667 |       min | 
 |                  Max cumulative flush time across primary shards |                                 |       1.51195       |       min | 
 |                                          Total Young Gen GC time |                                 |       3.055         |         s | 
 |                                         Total Young Gen GC count |                                 |      93             |           | 
 |                                            Total Old Gen GC time |                                 |       0             |         s | 
 |                                           Total Old Gen GC count |                                 |       0             |           | 
 |                                                     Dataset size |                                 |      19.5312        |        GB | 
 |                                                       Store size |                                 |      19.5312        |        GB | 
 |                                                    Translog size |                                 |       1.69035e-06 |        GB | 
 |                                           Heap used for segments |                                 |       0             |        MB | 
 |                                         Heap used for doc values |                                 |       0             |        MB | 
 |                                              Heap used for terms |                                 |       0             |        MB | 
 |                                              Heap used for norms |                                 |       0             |        MB | 
 |                                             Heap used for points |                                 |       0             |        MB | 
 |                                      Heap used for stored fields |                                 |       0             |        MB | 
 |                                                    Segment count |                                 |     136             |           | 
 |                                      Total Ingest Pipeline count |                                 |       0             |           | 
 |                                       Total Ingest Pipeline time |                                 |       0             |         s | 
 |                                     Total Ingest Pipeline failed |                                 |       0             |           | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput |                    index-append |    1635.63          |    docs/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput |                    index-append |    1780.47          |    docs/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput |                    index-append |    1791.85          |    docs/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput |                    index-append |    1933.61          |    docs/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency |                    index-append |    1216.26          |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency |                    index-append |    4017.12          |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency |                    index-append |    9572.88          |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency |                    index-append | 11436             |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time |                    index-append |    1216.26          |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time |                    index-append |    4017.12          |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time |                    index-append |    9572.88          |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time |                    index-append | 11436             |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate |                    index-append |       0             |         % | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput |                         default |      19.96          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput |                         default |      19.96          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput |                         default |      19.96          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput |                         default |      19.97          |     ops/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency |                         default |      16.4997        |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency |                         default |      18.102         |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency |                         default |      19.9807        |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency |                         default |      20.0788        |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time |                         default |      14.8714        |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time |                         default |      16.3409        |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time |                         default |      17.6443        |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time |                         default |      18.7248        |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate |                         default |       0             |         % | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput |                            term |      19.97          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput |                            term |      19.98          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput |                            term |      19.98          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput |                            term |      19.98          |     ops/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency |                            term |      13.7952        |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency |                            term |      17.5787        |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency |                            term |      19.6198        |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency |                            term |      19.8532        |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time |                            term |      12.0943        |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time |                            term |      15.9748        |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time |                            term |      16.9277        |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time |                            term |      18.0353        |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate |                            term |       0             |         % | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput |                          phrase |      19.97          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput |                          phrase |      19.98          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput |                          phrase |      19.98          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput |                          phrase |      19.98          |     ops/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency |                          phrase |      11.0573        |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency |                          phrase |      12.885         |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency |                          phrase |      29.3176        |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency |                          phrase |      60.8728        |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time |                          phrase |       9.51033       |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time |                          phrase |      10.9496        |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time |                          phrase |      17.4622        |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time |                          phrase |      59.3797        |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate |                          phrase |       0             |         % | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      19.96          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      19.97          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      19.97          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      19.97          |     ops/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      15.7769        |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      16.9984        |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      18.0326        |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      18.5674        |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      14.1607        |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      15.2793        |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      16.2623        |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |      16.934         |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate | articles_monthly_agg_uncached |       0             |         % | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |      20.02          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |      20.02          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |      20.02          |     ops/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |      20.02          |     ops/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       6.60614       |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       7.57876       |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       8.27172       |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       8.98377       |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       5.19229       |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       5.80927       |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       6.26          |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       6.57309       |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate |     articles_monthly_agg_cached |       0             |         % | 
 |                                                   Min Throughput |                          scroll |      12.54          | pages/s | 
 |                                                  Mean Throughput |                          scroll |      12.57          | pages/s | 
 |                                                Median Throughput |                          scroll |      12.56          | pages/s | 
 |                                                   Max Throughput |                          scroll |      12.63          | pages/s | 
 |                                          50th percentile latency |                          scroll |     711.249         |        ms | 
 |                                          90th percentile latency |                          scroll |     741.303         |        ms | 
 |                                          99th percentile latency |                          scroll |     775.679         |        ms | 
 |                                         100th percentile latency |                          scroll |     777.138         |        ms | 
 |                                     50th percentile service time |                          scroll |     708.206         |        ms | 
 |                                     90th percentile service time |                          scroll |     737.941         |        ms | 
 |                                     99th percentile service time |                          scroll |     772.66          |        ms | 
 |                                    100th percentile service time |                          scroll |     774.261         |        ms | 
 |                                                       error rate |                          scroll |       0             |         % | 

 [INFO] SUCCESS (took 2541 seconds) 


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